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Another popular exhibit were the "Mushrooms" but why didn't anybody tell this poor chap that were supposed to stay on the tree and not to worn as headgear!

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Seeing as it was a Hawkfest, I guess some shots of some of the personel would not go amiss. On the left we see "Lab Technician" Keith Kniveton coaxing some suitable whoops and swooshes out of his Korg X3 whilst sitting on a very "Rock 'n' Roll" foldaway chair. On the right meanwhile we see a picture of Alan Davey and not Saudi oil Sheikh Hassan I Sahbah who was rumored to be in the area after talk of a substance that was dark in color and burnt well. The sheikh was alledgedly somewhat dismayed when he found out that rather than refine it to put in your car this particular type of "fuel" was instead burnt in a shall we say "exotic cigarette" but he did have to agree that the area was particularily well stocked   this weekend!