Hawkfest 2022 tickets now on sale
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Hawkfest will be held across two venues, plus a small outdoor space, on the seafront at Morecambe, Lancashire.
Sunnyside campsite have kindly stepped
in to provide camping for Hawkfest this

Nearby Sunnyside Camp Site welcomes
bikes, tents, trailers, motorhomes,
caravans, groups, families, dogs (on
lead because of the resident
We are ready to take your call!!!

01524 418373

07881 478919
Although the site is within walking
distance (around 30 mins walking), there
will be a shuttle bus provided to leave
campsite at 1.30pm each day and
returning to the site at midnight and
2am. (£2 per trip)

Children up to 12 years are free of charge but
must be accompanied by an adult and children's
tickets must be booked at the same time as
ordering adult tickets.
Under 18s will not be permitted in Johnny's
after 9pm, but are fine to be in The Winter
More details and line ups to follow....
Also check out our dedicated Facebook page for all the latest updates